Friday 25 January 2008

just a quick update really, i've no new pictures of fabulous knitted objects to show off but i am still alive, and fairly dry. as anyone who has been watching the news over the past week will have seen yorkshire has found itself under flood water once again. fortunately, due to the blessing of being on high ground the house is safe, dry and in one piece. The disruption to my life has just been through public transport shutting down due to floods, landslides etc that seem to be covering the train tracks. I wasn't too impressed earlier in the week to be told when I rang in to university to say i wouldn't be in due to no buses or trains seeming to be running anywhere within yorkshire, that i would be marked down as being on unauthorised abscence because the receptionist just thought i couldn't be bothered dragging myself out of bed. Needless to say i was a bit annoyed, but having a day and a half extra off does have its bonuses. knitting wise i'm just over halfway there with the basketweave scarf and very slowly making progress on the second pink heel less sock.

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