Saturday 12 May 2007

with exams over and done with this week i've had a little time free for knitting. so i started this very quick and easy net shopping bag on wednesday evening and had it done yesterday afternoon (i should point out to anyone else wanting to do something similar it is possible to knit it in a shorter space of time but as i spent the majority of thursday and friday shopping for a dress). the alpaca wrap's shrunk a bit as i found a mistake a couple of rows down from where i was this morning and after unpicking managed to twist some of the stitches without realising and so the hour or so's hard work i put in later had to be undone to correct another painful mistake, the problem is when unpicking i honestly don't have a clue how to unpick a stitch without twisting it in the process, whether i go into the front or back of the stitch i always seem to manage it to get it twisted somehow, any tips?

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