Friday 20 April 2007

i finished twinkletoes a couple of days ago and am just waiting for the slipper bottoms so i can sew them on and finish off properly. like the blurb on the pattern says they knit up very quickly and would make a great last minute gift. the only thing i didn't like was the yarn, calmer's lovely to touch and wear but it's a pain to knit with. because it's a yarn made up of two separate lengths it has a tendancy to unravel while you work which i found a pain especially when doing the cable cast on for the ties as i'd try and make a stitch and find only half my yarn coming out the other side. looking at the picture they look so tiny! like slightly overgrown baby booties. all the time i was knitting them i kept worrying about them not stretching far enough to accomodate my somewhat lengthy feet so i was surprised and very relieved to find that they fit very comfortably on my feet.
and as promised a picture of my latest scarf, apologies for the weird looking photo. the light just wasn't right when i took it. i promise you though the colours are a lot nicer than they look on there. i'll try again next time the camera comes out.

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