I love lsb's kaffe fassett sock. So much so in fact that I'm rather tempted to make some excuse and keep it for myself. I love the colours in the landscape earth colourway and it's actually turned out a lot nicer than the ball band photo indicates - there's a lot more purple and less maroon than you'd think, and because of the frequent colour changes it's something that I'm keen on knitting for sustained periods because it keep my interest. I've had a pretty busy week so haven't had a massive amount of time in which to knit or keep up with the blog. To be honest I've found myself getting rather stuck into a new approach with the people i work with and the work of the hearing voices network who do some wonderful work helping people to manage their voices without the use of medication. I'm so excited about all the potential these methods have and so i'm concentrating rather more on this than any new or exciting knitting. Back in a week or 2.