As it's a miserable day here in london here's a picture of my recent purchases. Apologies for the picture but obviously I don't have my laptop with me. I love the kaffe fasset sock yarn. Hence why I ended up with enough for 4 pairs, the brightest of the 4 isn't for me for a change but for lsb who picked it out for himself. On the more miserable days, the train and the times I've met with fellow knitters I've managed to be quite productive with my knitting, I'm only a few rounds away from the heel on my second pablo blue sock (made all the more easy, and enjoyable by my new harmony knit picks) and I've got as far as the gusset on the first bamboo slalom sock. I've also bought some rather cool, rather pink jelly yarn with a plan to make a child's charm bracelet which thanks to my freakishly thin wrists will fit me just fine. On first glance it resembles washing line, and I've been informed that to use it you need well lubricated needles. The colour is just so gorgeous though that I couldn't resist and i'm actually quite looking forward to knitting it up the minute my suitcase hits my bedroom floor. Lsb's been fairly busy himself knitting me a bag in Rowan big wool, which looks fantastic - he's also been something of a novelty at the various knitting meets I've dragged him along to being the only male present who was there for a purpose other than to carry bags and purchase yarn (though he did manage to do both of those quite nicely as well) I do feel though that the situation was helped slightly by the fact we've been to iknit london twice this week and as well as selling lots of lovely yarn they also have a bar. I really think that's my sort of yarn shop and don't see why more places don't do the same. Yarn + knitters + alcohol = much fun. In between lots of knitting related things I've been doing lots of typical tourist stuff like the museums and the eye with lots of decent pictures. Anyway I'm now being pulled away to play with my newly knitted bag.
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