I love my new jelly yarn bracelet. It only took me half an hour to do last night as I watched hollyoaks (which by the way I'm intensely annoyed at right now. Anyone following the storyline involving Newt should know that as mental health professionals we don't nor can't section scared 14 year old boys without giving them the option of an informal admission. It's neither ethical nor legal), I picked up the charms from a local bead shop for a total of 25p and I think they add to the over all childish look of the child's charm bracelet pattern which comes from jelly yarns' site. I rather enjoyed working with the jelly yarn, though the concept of smothering my needles with hand cream to keep them lubricated took a bit of getting used to. Despite looking like washing line the yarn is suprisingly soft and pliable and was easy enough to manipulate round the needles, plus I adore the colour so I definitely think that I'll be finding sometimi else to use this for. In other news I finished off my pablo blue socks this afternoon. I'm rather pleased with them and will post some photos when I'm next on the computer. Given that I promised to start on a pair of socks for lsb once I'd finished either the pablo blue socks or my slalom socks this afternoon I started a pair of socks in a kaffe fasset regia in a rather plain stocking stitch, which for a change isn't so bad as the colours change rather regularly so the project manages to keep my interest a little better than a more solid colour. Of course stocking stitch socks make for perfect office knitting where for me it's back to on Monday, thankfully feeling quite refreshed after my break and eager to get on, particularly as the last 4 weeks have given me a fairly solid idea of where I want to work.
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