Tuesday, 4 December 2007

i write this to you from my sick bed, this time i've been struck down with tonsillitis for what must be the third time this year (i suppose it's my own fault really, when you make the decision to spend your life caring for sick people you're bound to get sick every so often and so lose the right to complain about being ill) the short version of which is that it currently looks like i have a golf ball wedged at the back of my throat. anyway that's pretty much why i've been quiet over the past couple of weeks.

i've been just as busy as usual if not more so on placement recently, which has left me with very little time to do any knitting but somehow i've managed to finish the replacement for the felted scarf and start a not quite straight scarf for lsb in a very lovely purple (yet more handpaintedyarn, colonia140 translates as amethyst) which is very nice, and makes a change from blue, but purple's my thing! anyway, in between bemoaning my partner's choice of scarf colour and being taught how to run a ward i've been spending lots of time wrapping hannukah presents ready for tomorrow night (so happy hannukah to my jewish readers) so i intend to eat my latkes, play lots of dreidel and just generally have a good time.

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