Tuesday 2 October 2007

this is serious, i'm feeling absolutely distraught, today has not been a good day for me today and now i've just felted my scarf, a lovely scarf i put much effort into and in a favourite wool of mine (debbie bliss soho, shade 7) and i've just gone and felted it, by trying to be clever and put it in on the handwash wool cycle of my machine because my mother said it would be ok, the one time i listen to the advice of my mother and look where it gets me!

what i have learnt from the experience (as all nursing students are supposed to write this sort of thing after a critical incident and i'd say this was pretty critical, if not close on catastrophic) is that i should take time out of my studying when i get home to wash delicate knitted things by hand as having to scour the internet for replacement yarn and write up the incident on my blog probably takes about as much time (after i've picked myself up off the floor and stopped wailing at my now tarnished reputation which up until this point was that i had never (unintentionally) felted anything i had made). i have also learnt not to throw coffee down hand knitted scarves in the first place which is possibly the most important lesson of all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now if your machine were as good as my machine the scarf wouldn't have felted.