Friday 8 May 2009

I've been so busy knitting and job hunting that I haven't had chance to update. And as I'm still without my camera there's no pretty pictures to show of all my hard work, I'm about halfway down the foot of my second Toe Jazz flip flop sock and I've got over half of the front panel of the sunshine cushion knitted. I really love this cushion, it's knitting up really nicely and looking very cool with the beads. I'm even enjoying knitting with the denim yarn despite the funny tension and the fact my hands get quite blue if I'm knitting for any length of time. 

In non-knitting related news I'll be starting back on my final placement in just over a week. This time working with children and people under 18. I'm looking forward to it as it's going to be quite different to anything I've done before. So if nothing else it'll be an adventure.

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