Thursday 26 June 2008

Oh boy oh boy, have I been busy. In fact I hadn't realised just how long it had been since I last posted. So a quick recap to start with, the gentleman sock: still soldiering on, just about to start the heel on the second sock. Not cable socks: managed the rib and two pattern repeats before frogging, it just didn't look right, so instead it's become my first toe up sock in the shape of the pablo blue sock which, when I have time and peace and quiet to do it isn't coming along too badly. Not only is it my first attempt at a toe up sock, it's also my first attempt at a lace sock, and the first foray into lace knitting since the disaster with the forest canopy shawl. 

Aside from the knitting I've been extremely busy on placement having managed to obtain my own caseload, spend the entirety of yesterday in lots of very important meetings and today get to find out first hand all the bits of the mental health act I'd only read about. And that's only in the past couple of days, so excuse me while I pause for breath and try not to keel over

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