Monday 30 July 2007

this morning i got the swift and ball winder out to deskein the two hanks of wool that arrived recently and i'm in love. the blue i chose for the cushion really lives up to its name of shining skies and it's so soft! i'm actually a little disappointed in myself that i didn't order a few more skeins for myself. i cast on for the cushion this afternoon and have been happily knitting away on it since, i'm about three quarters done on the first side (pictures to follw when it starts looking more interesting). i've also indulged my love of all things punk and alternative with the pretty in punk book, it arrived this morning and there's already so many great things i just have to knit, the union jack mohawk hat, stripy mohair jumper, and spider web jumper (plus it can be knitted from one ball of wool, how cool and easy on the pocket of a poor student is that!) to name but a few.

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