Wednesday 11 July 2007

the broad street mittens are done, finally! after much head scratching in parts over them they were finally completed last night, picture to follow as soon as i can get the mittens, the long suffering boyfriend and a camera in the same room at the same time and of course convince him that his face won't end up splashed all over the internet. so with no mitts to knit today i finally sat down and forced myself to get on with the silk socks and i'm happy to report progress is being made, i won't post a picture because how interesting can 3x3 rib be in navy blue silk, on a man size sock? not very i hear you cry. and readers you'd be right, and it's even less interesting to knit, a true labour of love i feel. anyway, yes progress is being made i've managed to get the heel and gusset done and am floating somewhere around 3 inches or so from the heel, luckily i've just been told that i may have a very long game of crown green bowls to sit through tomorrow night so the socks are coming along in the hope that i might be somewhere closer to the toe and by definition freedom from boring knitting. after two portable projects in shades of blue i long for some real colour, varigated yarn, pinks, reds, orange anything vibrant and interesting. blues and navy blue just get monotonous and boring after so long.

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