My latest wip. In a very in progress state. I love this yarn but have no idea of it's origins other than being gifted to me by my knitter mother. I love this pattern (Rob Matyska's broadripple socks from knitty.com) thought I'm not enthused about the instruction to only use 4 needles after picking up the gusset stitches. I'm a 5 needles sort of girl and 4 just feels like doing something back to front. What I do love however is just how quickly these socks are knitting up. I started them yesterday morning and managed to do the first 6 inches of leg in between taking 2 long walks, playing housewife and slacking about the house watching eddie izzard. So given that I don't consider myself to be a particularly fast knitter (not in comparison to the lightening quick needle skills of my mother and maternal grandmother anyway) I think I'm doing quite well. And now as It's such a lovely sunny day here in Yorkshire I'm going to go and enjoy it by listening to some free punk music in the park for the afternoon. More updates when I get home.
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