Some pictures of Marco my alpaca when he was sheared last week. In the past I've said that he's a rather moody creature, but I was very surprised at how well behaved he really was - especially as the shearing process isn't particularly nice for the animals. Marco trotted out of his stall quite happily (in fact prior to him coming out for his haircut you could see him poking his head through the gap in the bars to see what was going on and just what the other alpacas were making such a fuss about), walked over to the shearers and stood quietly while they put him in the restraints and brought him to the floor and he was very quiet and well behaved throughout. In fact I wasn't even sure that I'd got the right alpaca until the shearers confirmed it for me. And there in the after picture you can see Marco looking very smart, and quite happy with his new haircut. Unfortunately I didn't have the time to stick around on the farm and get to find out all about what happens with the fleece once it's been bagged up but I was amazed at how much fleece came off each alpaca.
My gentleman socks are coming along quite nicely, but due to being so busy at work I haven't even had the chance to whip the camera out and take a photo yet. But I plan to have one up sometime over the weekend if not today. So should I not, feel free to slap me silly with a wet fish, or similar.
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