Saturday, 4 August 2007

from this:

to this:

in roughly 24 hours.

and one of me modelling, one day i shall show my face on here i promise but today at least you've learnt that i'm a blonde. the picture was taken by the rather perplexed long suffering boyfriend when i moments ago thrust my camera into his hand and ordered him to take a picture of the back of my head. unfortunately he's rather used to these requests and now doesn't bat an eyelid, which i suppose is worrying in itself. anyway after the long suffering boyfriend did a little sulking over that being the last skein in its colour he had a little browse of the handpaintedyarns site and chose himself another skein of yarn in a lovely blue (what else? i think every single thing i've knitted him has been in one shade of blue or another) to do polly's old bean hat when i get round to it. oh and while i'm at it, for anyone interested the purple hat i just finished is woollywormhead's tea cosy hat.

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