Monday, 9 April 2007

i decided to spend at least some of my easter monday getting on with the dratted scarf. i'm just under halfway through now but not without a struggle. i made the mistake of getting too confident again (either that or it was something to do with me getting distracted shouting at the tv and its lack of punk bands on a supposed a to z of punk) i think i actually had to unpick more of the scarf than i've even knitted today as i somehow managed to lose two stitches and on tinking my way back to where the mistake had happened found myself losing another. even i'm not sure what i'd done, or even how i'd done it which i suppose for me is nothing new. when i first started to knit like many beginners i made mistakes left right and centre, the only difference was and i suppose still is that my mistakes are so unusual that my mother who's been knitting since long before i was born doesn't have a clue what i've managed to do and at times i'm sure she's flung my projects accross the room in frustration.

i managed to finish another maya scarf, this time for my boyfriend, a picture of him modelling it will follow just as soon as i've got his permission to post it. i'm quite pleased with the results and decided to start a third one in purple for me this time. got as far as casting on and starting the first row before the end of my needle flew off and the stitches followed. it serves me right for knitting on horrid plastic needles i suppose, glued it back together as a temporary measure and hunted around online for some 8mm needles, in wood this time. the idea at first was to treat myself to some peace fleece needles but as i couldn't find anywhere in the uk selling them i ended up settling for some plain bamboo ones instead. if anyone can point me in the direction of somewhere in the uk selling peace fleece needles i'd be very grateful.

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