As i'm officially a bowls widow for the majority of the afternoon and i'm fed up of revising i decided to crack on with the alpaca wrap . Apologies for the not so great photo but i'm experimenting with the blog function on my mobile phone. So far i'm finding the yarn an absolute joy to knit with, it's so soft and lovely i can tell that when it's finished i'll love it and hopefully so will any yet to be born children of my family.
Saturday, 28 April 2007
As i'm officially a bowls widow for the majority of the afternoon and i'm fed up of revising i decided to crack on with the alpaca wrap . Apologies for the not so great photo but i'm experimenting with the blog function on my mobile phone. So far i'm finding the yarn an absolute joy to knit with, it's so soft and lovely i can tell that when it's finished i'll love it and hopefully so will any yet to be born children of my family.
Friday, 27 April 2007
Tuesday, 24 April 2007
Friday, 20 April 2007
Monday, 16 April 2007
i cast on for twinkletoes today yes i realise i really am a big kid, but as i never had ballet slippers as a child (mostly due to me being the biggest tomboy alive) i'm making up for it now, plus my feet are always freezing so i decided a pair of slippers might be a good idea. even better was the fact that by starting this project today i finally got around to learning how to crochet, or at least enough to do a crocheted cast on and i'd say that's a pretty good achievement.
Friday, 13 April 2007
i also managed to finish another scarf in the car on the way home (picture to follow later when i feel like getting the camera out again), that brings my total of finished objects to three in the past week, which i don't think is too bad for me, the girl who had a sweater on needles for over a year and a half (and it's not even truly finished now, still waiting for the inclination to block and sew it all together) oh how i do procrastinate! but i digress, three finished objects in a week is very good for me, and serves as a good distraction from having to do any actual work. it's been wonderful actually, it seems i can get out of gardening duties not just because my hay fever's playing up, but by simply picking up needles and wool. i tell you, the art of knitting gets more and more useful each day. made an attempt to teach my boyfriend how to knit as well seen as he's been expressing a genuine interest in the craft, the only problem is he's a lefty. now being of the ambidextrous persuasion myself teaching a left handed person to knit shouldn't be such a problem. except all the other knitters in my family are right handers and so i've only ever been shown how to knit in a right handed manner and i find it impossible to learn to knit from a book, the diagrams always seem to confuse me, i think like most people i learn better when sat with someone and observing what they do. my only option i think may be to show him my way to knit, or pack him off to someone able to demonstrate a left handed method. i like this business of imparting knowledge, it makes me feel useful.
Wednesday, 11 April 2007
the ultimate unfinished object became a finished object last night. and not before time either, there were actually times during the knitting of it when i became convinced i would either lose my sanity and become one of my own patients wailing over and over about how the scarf's out to get me, or my long suffering boyfriend would decide that actually he'd suffered more than long enough at this point and get up and walk out vowing to himself never to get involved with a knitter again as they're just too much hassle. and i'd be left with an eventually finished scarf and only my cats and stash for company as i resigned myself to growing old alone.after i'd finished the scarf i naturally sent a very triumphant text to my mother to let her know my achievement (after 20 years i'm still running home to mummy whenever i do something well for praise and congratulations.) and after the obligitary pat on the back her next sentence read "i've got another 2 balls of that colour so you can make the shrug" i almost replied to say i'd have them, but thought better of it. my sanity is very very freyed right now especially seen as i've had around two weeks notice to prepare for my practical nursing exam which by the way if i fail i have to redo otherwise i don't get to do the second year of my course, that's two weeks to prepare and study every practical nursing skill i've learnt over the past year, including the ones they've not even fully taught us (long story short the tutors have said they will assess the mental health students on mental health specific skills and everything the adult students have been taught as well, despite us being told that psychiatric nurses don't do that). so anyway my sanity is very very freyed currently and i'm debating sticking to the more knitting as therapy end of the scale for the time being.
Monday, 9 April 2007
i managed to finish another maya scarf, this time for my boyfriend, a picture of him modelling it will follow just as soon as i've got his permission to post it. i'm quite pleased with the results and decided to start a third one in purple for me this time. got as far as casting on and starting the first row before the end of my needle flew off and the stitches followed. it serves me right for knitting on horrid plastic needles i suppose, glued it back together as a temporary measure and hunted around online for some 8mm needles, in wood this time. the idea at first was to treat myself to some peace fleece needles but as i couldn't find anywhere in the uk selling them i ended up settling for some plain bamboo ones instead. if anyone can point me in the direction of somewhere in the uk selling peace fleece needles i'd be very grateful.