Tuesday, 29 January 2008
At last, a picture of my heelless walking socks.
I'm starting to feel good that I'm making a little progress on them almost daily, even if it's only on the train to and from university. To be honest this is the time of year when things as a student get very busy and with only three weeks of university left and about four assignments to write for later in the year knitting has a tendency to take a back seat while I run round like a headless chicken trying to get everything done with time to breathe. Though I will say this for knitting - it certainly destresses me when I'm feeling really wound up, and rather stereotypically or not I do tend to recommend knitting to my patients, particularly those who have high levels of anxiety or want something to do with their hands after giving up smoking.
Friday, 25 January 2008
just a quick update really, i've no new pictures of fabulous knitted objects to show off but i am still alive, and fairly dry. as anyone who has been watching the news over the past week will have seen yorkshire has found itself under flood water once again. fortunately, due to the blessing of being on high ground the house is safe, dry and in one piece. The disruption to my life has just been through public transport shutting down due to floods, landslides etc that seem to be covering the train tracks. I wasn't too impressed earlier in the week to be told when I rang in to university to say i wouldn't be in due to no buses or trains seeming to be running anywhere within yorkshire, that i would be marked down as being on unauthorised abscence because the receptionist just thought i couldn't be bothered dragging myself out of bed. Needless to say i was a bit annoyed, but having a day and a half extra off does have its bonuses. knitting wise i'm just over halfway there with the basketweave scarf and very slowly making progress on the second pink heel less sock.
Friday, 18 January 2008
i have to confess to being something of a naughty knitter over the past few days, as i'm sure i keep saying in the manner of a broken record i'm more than up to date with my university workload, and at times like this i tend to whip the needles out and delight on working for hours on a project with very little interruption or guilt that i should be doing something else. instead i've done very little knitting at all, i've had two study days this week, on which i have done small amounts of studying (but when my next assignment isn't due til april i'm sure most people would agree, the study can wait), i finished the first heel less sock on tuesday night in front of the tv and got the first 20 or 30 rows done on wednesday along with some more of the basketweave scarf while i had a "girlie day" with my mum (read: knitting, watching dvd from when dashing young actors played real men in real films with a real plot). today (i.e my other study day) i fully intended to crack on with a bit more work and try and conclude what i was doing yesterday and then reward myself with a little knitting before lsb got home, so far no such luck. but everything seems to be conspiring against me and telling me to just do some knitting. my video game crashed on me meaning i lost all my progress, so giving up on that i got my things together to go out for a run, no sooner had i reached out for my shoes but the heavens opened, if that's not fate trying to tell me something i don't know what is. back to the needles for an hour or so i think, and see if my luck changes.
Tuesday, 8 January 2008
i really knuckled down yesterday to finish off lsb's not quite straight scarf (picture to follow once it's blocked), so i'm feeling rather proud of myself that i finally managed to finish something in between all the exam preparation and other academic stuff i've been having to occupy my time with of late. though i can console myself with the fact that i've worked hard on two assignments and handed them both in a couple of weeks before they were due, so giving me a little extra time to crack on with banff, i hope.
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